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Eco Friendly Organic Soap

Guide to Genuine Eco Friendly Products in the Caribbean (5 steps)

Eco Friendly Organic Soap

It has never been more important to recognize the benefits of eco friendly products in the Caribbean and live an eco friendly lifestyle than now in the 21st. Our landfills are running out of space, trash is piling up in the ocean (which we can especially see in our local Caribbean), the climate is changing and up to 150 species are lost every single day. 

Thankfully, we also live at an age when eco-friendly products meant to decrease our impact on the environment are becoming increasingly popular and easier to find. However, we understand that if you are new to sustainability, you may not be sure where to get started with eco-friendly products – which is why we have created this guide to eco-friendly products in the Caribbean for you.

What makes an eco-friendly product?

But first, what are eco-friendly products? And how do you distinguish truly sustainable products from ones that are just trying to join in on the eco-friendly hype, without actually doing any of the work to be more sustainable?

An eco-friendly product is any product which is meant to make your life more sustainable or to substitute a wasteful item in your household. From basic products such as cloth shopping bags, the sustainability movement has produced a large number of different products and alternatives on different levels of complexity and innovation. Truly eco-friendly products will also let you know exactly how they are helping and how they are more sustainable – but more on that later.

Why is it important to buy sustainable products? Purchasing them is helping improve our overall sustainability since they not only help you live a more eco-friendly lifestyle but also come from companies doing their share of fighting for a more sustainable world. By buying from them, you are helping them financially so that they can create more innovative eco-friendly products, spread their existing items so more people know about them and inform other people about sustainability.

The indirect benefits of buying eco friendly products

While the indirect benefits of buying eco-friendly products vary by item, there are a few common to most. Firstly, eco-friendly products usually help save you money, as they are often reusable or help you use resources more consciously. Secondly, using eco-friendly products improves your health as it helps you avoid many harsh chemicals or other substances which could be harmful to you. Lastly, eco-friendly products also improve your wellbeing and quality of life – they help build a more pleasant environment in your home which will make you happier to live in.

Choosing an eco friendly product provider in the Caribbean

Now that we have gone through the benefits of using eco-friendly products, let’s talk about where you buy them. It is crucial to choose a trusted provider who you will know manufactures their products fairly and with the lowest possible impact. Here are five of our top tips for choosing who to buy your eco-friendly products from.

1. Go local

The most sustainable products you can find are those which are made locally. That is why, if you are from the Caribbean like we are, it is important to choose an eco-friendly product supplier from this area. This will ensure that your carbon footprint is as low as it can possibly be. Local eco-friendly products can sometimes be different from ones popular elsewhere – in the Caribbean, for example, coconuts are much more abundant than elsewhere which is why it makes sense to use them above other materials such as stainless steel to craft eco-friendly products.

2. Avoid greenwashing

While there is a range of companies offering eco-friendly products available in the Caribbean, not all of them are always the most sustainable choice. Some companies would rather people only think that what they are doing is good for the environment when it is not. This shady marketing tactic of being deceptive about a product’s sustainability is called greenwashing. The best way to avoid it is to always check the facts behind claims about sustainability, rather than just trusting advertising.

3. Look for third-party enforcement

Some of the most sustainable products are labelled as organic or are certified by an authority in the field. Look for well-known sustainability labels and beware of false labelling. Some greenwashing companies may want to make it seem like their products are eco-friendly by adding a fictitious or untrustworthy label to their product. This is why we highly recommend you look up any labels attached to a product you’re buying.

Couple Shopping online

4. Buy online

Even though you may be inclined to shop for your eco-friendly products in-store, it is usually more sustainable to buy online instead. It produces less CO2 and is much less energy-intensive than traditional retail. Especially if you are travelling from further away to do the shopping, your carbon footprint increases even more.

5. Companies giving back

Many eco-friendly product providers choose to, besides doing good by selling their sustainable product range, also align themselves with a charity, organisation or cause to give back to. This means that any time you buy from them, you also support charitable efforts. Some companies work with a range of initiatives but perhaps the best organisations to work with are local ones to your region, such as EPIC.

Complete eco friendly products checklist

Let’s sum it up – choosing eco-friendly products can be a great way to decrease your impact on the environment and live a more sustainable life. They also have a range of other benefits such as money-saving and better health.

It is, however, very important to choose a reliable supplier. Choose to buy local to the Caribbean region, avoid greenwashing, look for third-party endorsement on the products, buy online rather than in-store and opt for companies giving back by supporting charitable causes.

By choosing more eco-friendly products, you are casting a vote for a more sustainable future. Even if you just start with swapping your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one, you are taking a step in the right direction.

Do you have experince with eco-friendly products and suppliers you’d like to share? Drop us a comment below!

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