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About Us

We are a brand which has been born into mother nature. It's time to create a new feeling.

Manatee Eco-friendly is a sustainable initiative giving inspiration to humans, protection for all animals, and the elimination of harmful activities on earth and the environment. Our primary focus is to promote, produce and support eco-friendly products and services, healthy human habits, and sustainable initiatives. Take a look in our shop and see if you like anything đŸ™‚

Our Company

Our company follows a holistic green business model and aim to use as little energy and raw materials as possible in our products and services. Manatee Eco-friendly minimizes the strain on natural resources that can contribute to higher greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. By focusing on sustainable and biodegradable products we aspire to protect multiple generations of human and animal life.

Manatee Holistic

We at Manatee believe that effective progress and sustainable growth is made possible by a thorough understanding of every action and how it affects your body, the environment, the earth and all living entities. That’s why our focus extends beyond products and services but also different activities such as healthy food, yoga and other beneficial body movements, meditation, hiking, Ayurveda, natural and organic products, volunteerism, reducing greenhouse gases, bio-fuels, natural nootropics, herbal medicines and aromatherapy.

We love the environment and the earth that we live in. We consider The Earth to be a living entity because of everything it provides humans to sustain life; thus, we as humans should also do what we can to take care of The Earth. That’s why we have devoted our time and effort in choosing green, sustainable and eco-friendly initiatives to support, produce, and promote.

Manatee Name

The Manatee or sea cow, are aquatic mammals that mostly eat plants and live in West Indies including Florida, Guyana, and Central America in shallow coastal areas. Manatees are calm and peaceful animals which pose no danger to swimmers. Manatees can reach up to 13 feet long and weighing as many as 1,300 pounds. Manatees are affected by collisions with boats and ingesting human waste such as plastic straws and bags, and river and ocean pollution. In 1972, the Manatee was place on the endangered and protected animal list. Since then, numerous initiatives were implemented to reverse the harm done by pollution and other man made threat and on March 30, 2017, the manatee was reclassified from endangered to threatened as the number of sea cows had increased to over 6,000.

The reclassification of the manatee from endangered to threatened was a direct response to positive and coordinated human effort. It demonstrates that through the right initiatives and support we can enhance life for animals, humans, and all that inhabit the earth.

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